Education - An Investment in Thailand's Future
This short article on Sister Joan's Education Project appeared in the Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce's Advance Magazine (November 2007).

Sister Joan Evans: Education - An Investment in Thailand's Future
by Edward Dever
On an April morning, you’ll find Sister Joan Evans sitting on a bench at the Klong Toey market in Bangkok scribbling numbers in her notebook. Enduring temperatures in which many would wilt, she calmly collates the morning’s purchases. School uniforms for 45 children, shoes for 30, school bags for 15.
Each amount she records represents an investment in Thailand’s future.
Sister Joan’s annual Education Project enables underprivileged children and young adults in Klong Toey and other slum communities in Bangkok to attend school or university. Students receiving assistance age between 3 (starting pre-school) and 22 (attending university) with the majority at primary or lower secondary school. Without Sister’s assistance, it is unlikely they would be able to gain an education.
Education is a core mission of Sister Joan. She believes there is a real need to help children and young adults to the point where they can help themselves. Her Education Project provides an opportunity for students to receive an education which is vital if they are to ultimately break out of the poverty cycle.
During April and May this year, Sister Joan provided school uniforms, shoes, socks and bags for over 600 students at an average cost of 685 baht (approx. A$25) per student. On any particular day, Sister may outfit between 10 and 50 students. It’s an enormous task but also an important one. Getting these students into school and university is vital if they are to achieve their potential. And if high grades on report cards and graduation ceremonies are a benchmark, then Sister’s work is indeed a success.
Special thanks to:
• DFAT and the Australian Embassy in Bangkok who donated 100,000 baht from their Discretionary Fund towards this year’s Education Project.
• the Australian-New Zealand Women’s Group (ANZWG) who also donated 100,000 baht.
The remaining funds for this year’s Education Project were provided by donations from supporters of Sister Joan’s Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok.
How you can help
Sister Joan’s donation philosophy is simple – a little bit of money goes a long way.
Donations can be made online (via PayPal), by cheque or by direct bank deposit – see for details. Offers of volunteer help are also welcome.
Sister Joan Evans PBVM
Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok
PO Box 28, Kluai Nam Thai PO
Bangkok 10115 Thailand

Click here - Education - An Investment in Thailand's Future - for a pdf version of this article.

Sister Joan Evans: Education - An Investment in Thailand's Future
by Edward Dever
On an April morning, you’ll find Sister Joan Evans sitting on a bench at the Klong Toey market in Bangkok scribbling numbers in her notebook. Enduring temperatures in which many would wilt, she calmly collates the morning’s purchases. School uniforms for 45 children, shoes for 30, school bags for 15.
Each amount she records represents an investment in Thailand’s future.
Sister Joan’s annual Education Project enables underprivileged children and young adults in Klong Toey and other slum communities in Bangkok to attend school or university. Students receiving assistance age between 3 (starting pre-school) and 22 (attending university) with the majority at primary or lower secondary school. Without Sister’s assistance, it is unlikely they would be able to gain an education.
Education is a core mission of Sister Joan. She believes there is a real need to help children and young adults to the point where they can help themselves. Her Education Project provides an opportunity for students to receive an education which is vital if they are to ultimately break out of the poverty cycle.
During April and May this year, Sister Joan provided school uniforms, shoes, socks and bags for over 600 students at an average cost of 685 baht (approx. A$25) per student. On any particular day, Sister may outfit between 10 and 50 students. It’s an enormous task but also an important one. Getting these students into school and university is vital if they are to achieve their potential. And if high grades on report cards and graduation ceremonies are a benchmark, then Sister’s work is indeed a success.
Special thanks to:
• DFAT and the Australian Embassy in Bangkok who donated 100,000 baht from their Discretionary Fund towards this year’s Education Project.
• the Australian-New Zealand Women’s Group (ANZWG) who also donated 100,000 baht.
The remaining funds for this year’s Education Project were provided by donations from supporters of Sister Joan’s Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok.
How you can help
Sister Joan’s donation philosophy is simple – a little bit of money goes a long way.
Donations can be made online (via PayPal), by cheque or by direct bank deposit – see for details. Offers of volunteer help are also welcome.
Sister Joan Evans PBVM
Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok
PO Box 28, Kluai Nam Thai PO
Bangkok 10115 Thailand

Click here - Education - An Investment in Thailand's Future - for a pdf version of this article.
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