Friday, August 08, 2008

Sister Joan's Milk Run - 8 August 2008

It was a wet morning in Klong Toey for this morning's Milk Run.

Sister Joan mentioned that umbrellas are rarely needed for the Milk Run. During Bangkok's wet season, it often rains at night (or in the afternoons) but is mainly clear during the mornings. The Milk Run starts around 7:00 am.

The rain made it necessary to find as much cover as possible as the milk powder was distributed.

As usual, there was a large turnout of young mothers and babies, showing how vital Sister's Milk Run project is in Klong Toey.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is always wonderful to see so many volunteers, out there with Sister just doing what they love to do so Sister improve the health of young babies in the slums.
YAHH ......Kathy

Fri Aug 08, 11:27:00 PM  

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